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〒185−0034 東京都国分寺市光町3−27−8


各種在留手続き  Residence Procedures for foreign nationals


外国人が日本で行おうとする活動の目的 ・内容は在留中に変更されることがあります。その場合,外国人の行う活動が我が国の社会に与える影響等を判断し,適正な外国人の管理を行うために,日本に在留する間の在留管理が必要となります。


 Change of Status of Residence
2.在留期間の更新 Permission for Extending Period of Stay 
3.在留資格の取得  Acquisition Status of Residence 
4.永住許   Permission for Permanent Residence
Permission to Engage in an Activity Other Than That Permitted by the Status of
Residence Previously Granted

6.再入国許可 Re-entry Permit


7.就労資格証明書Certificate of Authorized Employment (入管法第19条の2)



帰化制度 Naturalization(国籍法4条)
在留特別許可 Special permission to stay(入管法50条) 

10 仮放免 Provisional release(入管法54、55条)

Residence Procedures for foreign nationals                  

Foreign residents might change their intention or activity while staying in Japan. To evaluate what kind of impacts foreign resident's activities have on Japan's society,as well as to properly manage foreign residents in Japan, The immigration authority should not only manage foreign residents' entry to or departure from Japan,,but also administer their status of residence.
Foreign residents in Japan may not engage in certain activities that are unauthorized under their status of residence. In addition,they may not change their activities in Japan without applicable permission, intending to run business or engaging in an activity that will yield remuneration. If a foreign resident would like to engage in an unauthorized activity under his/her status of residence, the foreign resident must apply for changing his/her status of residence and obtain permission from Minister of Justice to do so. If a foreign resident intends to keep his/her current status of residence but wants to start an income-generating business or activity that is unauthorized under his/her status of residence, the foreign resident must obtain permission for engaging in such unauthorized activity in accordance with the prescribed procedures. If a foreign resident intends to stay in Japan beyond his/her period of stay, he/she needs to apply for extending his/her period of stay.
Foreign residents must go through certain procedures as long as they stay in Japan.

These procedures −

1.Change of Status of Residence 
2.Permission for Extending Period of Stay 
3.Acquisition Status of Residence 
4.Permission for Permanent Residence 
5.Permission to Engage in an Activity Other Than That Permitted by the Status of Residence Previously Granted 
6.Re-entry Permit,etc.

−are called "Residence Procedures."

More procedures are as follows;

7.Certificate of Authorized Emplyment

If required for potential emplyment oppotunities, a foreign national authorized to work in Japan may apply for issirance of certificate showing the types of activities authorized to him or her at The Regional Immigration Bureau.

A person who is not a Japanese citizen (hereinafter referred to as "foreign national") may acquire Japanese nationality through naturalization.

9.Special permission to stay
Even if finding no reasonable ground in the objection filed, the Minister of Justice may grant special permission for residence in the following cases. This special decision by the Minister of Justice is called special permission to stay.

10.Provisional release
The immigration control authority temporarily stops the detention and releases a detainee if the detainee files an application, or if the authority regards it necessary to do so.



 1. Change of Status of Residence
 (Article 20,Immigration Contorol and Refuges Recognition Act) 
  If a foreign national who resides in Japan wishes to change the activity that is the purpose of his residence,he must receive permission for change of status of residence for the new activity.
If a foreign resident in Japan intends to engage in an unauthorized activity under his/her current status of residence,and such unauthorized activity falls under other status of residence, then the foreign resident does not have to leave Japan and may apply for changing his/her status of residence in accordance with this procedure.
If a foreign resident intends to change his/her status of residence,he/she must apply to Minister of Justice for changing his/her status of residence in accordance with the applicable procedures as set forth in the Immigration Control Act Enforcement Regulations.


 2.Permission for Extending Period of Stay
  In principle, foreign residents in Japan may stay in Japan as long as their period of stay is effective. According to this principle, if an foreign national was allowed to stay in Japan for a certain period in the landing permission process,but his/her stay of period was too short to achieve his/her intended purposes for entering Japan,then the foreign national would bear large burdens of leaving Japan first,acquiring a new visa and coming back to Japan again. In this context, Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act authorizes Minister of Justice to extend foreign national's period of stay if he deems it proper to do so.
If an foreign national intends to extend his/her period of stay in Japan,he/she must apply to Minister of Justice for extending his/her period of stay in accordance with applicable procedures as set forth in the Immigration Control Act Enforcement Regulations. 


3.Acquisition Status of Residence 
  If a foreign national who was born in Japan, an individual who became a foreign national after renouncing Japanese nationality,or a United States of America military personnel member stipulated in Article 1 of the Status of Forces Agreement between Japan and the United States of America who lost the status wishes to continue living in Japan,he must acquire a status of residence.
However,it would be unrealistic if these foreign residents assumed the same immigration control-related obligations as ordinary foreign nationals immediately after losing their eligibility. In addition,some of these foreign residents might not have an intention to stay in Japan for a long time. In this context, the immigration control authority allows these foreign nationals to continuously stay in Japan for additional 60 days after occurrence of the aforementioned event, even if they don't have effective status of residence. If they intend to stay in Japan for more than 60 days,they must apply for
Acquisition status of residence within 30 days after occurrence of these events.
If a foreign resident intends to acquire his/her status of residence,he/she must apply to Minister of Justice for acquiring his/her status of residence in accordance with the applicable procedures as set forth in the Immigration Control Act Enforcement Regulations.


 4.Permission for Permanent Residence
  The status of permanent residence is granted when certain conditions have been satisfied by foreign nationals who reside in Japan under another status of residence and who have applied for change of status of residence to permanent residence or by those who have applied to acquire status of residence due to birth or renouncement of Japanese nationality.
If a foreign resident is authorized to stay in Japan on a permanent basis, he/she will stay in Japan with the status of residence "
Permanent Resident." The status of residence "Permanent Resident" provides much more advantageous treatments than other statuses of residence because
it does not limit the status holder's activities or period of stay. For this reason,the immigration control authority needs to examine permanent resident applicants much more closely than other applicants for merely changing their status of residence. From this viewpoint, immigration control legislations set forth separate provision for permanent resident status, independent from ordinary procedures for change of Status of Residence.
   Guidelines for Permission for Permanent Residence
  Successful/Unsuccessful Applicants for Permanent Residence Status
By evaluating applicant's contribution to Japan,the immigration control authority has granted or denied the permanent residence status to the following cases.
  Successful/Unsuccessful Applicants for Permanent Residence Status based on their Contribution to Japan (as of July 1, 2005)
"3rd Report on the System of Special Zones for Structural Reform" calls for "Disclosing successful applicants who have stayed in Japan for 5 years and acquired the permanent resident status due to their contribution to Japan,in order to clearly define the requirements for permanent resident status during FY2004." In addition, "3rd Report regarding Promotion of Regulatory Reform" (dated December 22, 2003) requests the government to disclose the aforementioned data earlier than the original schedule and to officially announce denied application cases for permanent resident status as well. Since 1998,the immigration control authority has granted/denied the permanent resident status to the following applicants by evaluating their contribution to Japan.The immigration control authority will update this section as necessary.


5.Re−entry Permit 
  Re-entry permission is permission which is granted prior to departure by the Minister of Justice in order to simplify the immigration (entry and landing) procedures in cases where foreign nationals residing in Japan temporarily depart from Japan and intend to re-enter Japan.
  If a foreign national residing in Japan departs from Japan without the re-entry permission,the status of residence and period of residence held by the foreign national will be extinguished, and therefore,if the foreign national intends to re-enter Japan, they will have to acquire a new visa prior to entry into Japan, and they will receive landing permission after filing the landing application and undergoing the landing examination procedures.
Through such foreign nationals who have received re-entry permission are exempt from the usually required visa in the landing application at the time of re-entry.
In addition,the previous status of residence and period of residence are deemed to continue after landing.
  There are two types of re-entry permission: one which is valid for one-time use (handling charge of 3,000 yen) and another which is valid multiple times within the valid period (handling charge of 6,000 yen).
   A system of special re-entry permission   

 資格外活動許可は,「新たに許可された活動内容」が記載された証印シール(旅券に貼付)又は資格外活動許可書の交付により受けられます。証印シール又は資格外活動許可書に記載される「新たに許可された活動内容」は,個別的許可の場合には,雇用主である企業等の名称,所在地等が,包括的許可の場合には,活動時間が週28時間以内であること及び活動場所において風俗営業等が営まれていないことが,それぞれ記載されることになっています。 証印シール見本


6.Permission to Engage in an Activity Other Than That Permited by the Status of Residence Previously Granted
  A foreign national who is granted a status of residence according to the activities he was engaged in Japan must receive permission to engage in an activity other than those permitted by the status of residence previously granted if he wishes to become engaged in activities "related to the management of business involving income or activities for which he receives remuneration, which are not included in those activities under his category of status of residence". A typical example is that of a foreign national college student or pre-college student who wishes to have a part-time job. The Minister of Justice will give permission to the extent that the extra activity does not interfere with the activity that is the original purpose of residence.
Authorized activities and the employer's name will be indicated in
"Certificate to Engage in Activity Other Than That Permitted by the Status of Residence Previously Granted."
  If an foreign national stays in Japan with the residence of status "College Student" or "Pre-college Student," such foreign national may obtain a comprehensive permission to engage in unauthorized activities without restrictions on activities or locations. In this case, applicant must submit "supporting document" available from the educational institute to which the applicant enrolls. However,the aforementioned comprehensive permission also have some limitations on foreign national's activity duration or activity locations,as stated below.
  1. Upper limit of foreign national's activity duration
    1. College Students (except for visiting students or research students with visiting student status)
      This type of foreign nationals may run an income-generating business or engage in a remuneration-generating activities for 28 hours or shorter a week (or 8 hours or shorter a day during long vacation of the educational institute)
    2. Visiting Students or Research Students with Visiting Student Status
      This type of foreign nationals may run an income-generating business or engage in a remuneration-generating activities for 14 hours or shorter a week (or 8 hours or shorter a day during long vacation of the educational institute)
    3. Pre-college Students
      This type of foreign nationals may run an income-generating business or engage in a remuneration-generating activities for 4 hours or shorter a day

  2. Limitations on activity locations
    Foreign nationals may not engage in aforementioned activities at the following locations: Business sites where adult entertainment business or store-type adult entertainment special business is carried on; or business sites where nonstore-type adult entertainment business,visual-transmitting-type adult entertainment business,store-type telephone-based dating service or nonstore-type telephone-based dating service is carried on.
    Since February 27, 2004,if an international student (except for special course student, visiting student,non-degree student or research student) graduates from university in Japan (including community college and graduate school), legally stays in Japan with the status of residence "Temporary Visitor" and has been seeking a job before his/her graduation,such international student may engage in certain unauthorized activities for 28 hours or shorter a week. To do so, international students must submit application form with "recommendation letter" from their university.
    In addition,an foreign national with status of residence "Dependent" are able to obtain comprehensive permission to engage in certain unauthorized activities for 28 hours or shorter a week. However, even in this case,the same limitation rules as (2) above will also be applicable.


  7.Certificate of Authorized Emplyment 
  Based on applicant's descriptions on the application form, Minister of Justice certifies the eligibility of the applicant for activities related to the management of business involving income or activities for which he receives remuneration (hereinafter,referred to as "authorized vocational activities") on Certificate of Authorized Employment.
For convenience of employers and foreign workers,if a foreign national applicant wishes to work in Japan, Immigration Control Act authorizes the immigration control authority to deliver Certificate of Authorized Employment,which specifically indicates authorized vocational activities for the applicant.
It should be noted that Article 19, Paragraph 2, Item 2 of Immigration Control Act prohibits employers from taking employment discrimination or other disadvantageous treatment against foreign nationals who do not present this Certificate of Authorized Employment.

 8. 帰化許可申請(国籍法第4、5,6条)  
  対 象 者  日本国民でない外国人
国籍法5条 1項
 国籍法5条   2項 務大臣は、外国人がその意思にかかわらずその国籍を失うことができない場合において、日本国民との親族関係又は境遇につき特別の事情があると認めるときはその者が前項第五に掲げる条件を備えないときでも、帰化許可することができる
 申請受理後の手続き 面接調査、追加提出書類の取り寄せ、法務大臣の審査など。期間は1〜2年かかります。 
 添付書類 申請書以外にも種々の書類ー個人で異なるーを提出する必要があります。 


 8.Naturalization Articl4、5、6&7Nationality Act 
 Article 4  1 A person who is not a Japanese citizen (hereinafter referred to as "foreign national") may acquire Japanese nationality through naturalization.
   2 To undergo naturalization, permission of the Minister of Justice shall be obtained.
 Article 5  1 The Minister of Justice may not permit naturalization for a foreign national who has not met the following conditions:
Having continuously had a domicile in Japan for five years or more;
Being twenty years of age or more and having the capacity to act according to his/her national law;
Being a person of good conduct;
Being able to make a living through his/her own assets or abilities, or through those of a spouse or of another relative his/her making a living;
Not having a nationality or having to give up his/her nationality due to the acquisition of Japanese nationality; and
On or after the date of promulgation of the Constitution of Japan, not having planned or advocated the destruction of the Constitution of Japan or the government established thereunder with force, and not having formed or joined a political party or other organization planning or advocating the same.
In cases where despite the foreign national's intention, he/she is unable to give up his/her nationality, the Minister of Justice may permit naturalization if special circumstances are found concerning a familial relationship or circumstances with a Japanese citizen even if that foreign national has not met the conditions listed in the preceding paragraph, item (v).
 Article 6  1  The Minister of Justice may permit naturalization for a foreign national currently having a domicile in Japan who falls under one of the following items even if that person has not met the conditions listed in the preceding Article, paragraph (1), item (i):
     A child (excluding an adopted child) of a Japanese citizen, the former continuously having a domicile or residence in Japan for three years or more;
    A person born in Japan, and continuously having a domicile or residence in Japan for three years or more or whose father or mother (excluding an adoptive parent) was born in Japan;
    A person having a residence in Japan continuously for ten years or more.
 Article 7    The Minister of Justice may permit naturalization of a foreign national with a spouse who is a Japanese citizen, said foreign national continuously having a domicile or residence in Japan for three years or more and who currently has a residence in Japan even if that person does not meet the conditions of Article 5, paragraph (1), item (i) and item (ii). The same shall apply to a foreign national with a spouse who is a Japanese citizen, for whom three years have elapsed since the date of their marriage, which foreign national has continuously maintained a domicile in Japan for one year or more.


 1 永住許可を受けているとき(入管法第50条第1項第1号)
 2 かつて日本国民として本邦に本籍を有したことがあるとき(同項第2号)
 3 人身取引等により他人の支配下に置かれて本邦に在留するものであるとき(同項第3号)
 4 その他法務大臣が特別に在留を許可すべき事情があると認めるとき(同項第4号)

9.Special permission to stay
(Articles 50 and 61-2-2, Immigration Control Act) 
Even if finding no reasonable ground in the objection filed, the Minister of Justice may grant special permission for residence in the following cases. This special decision by the Minister of Justice is called special permission to stay.
 1  The suspect has obtained permission for permanent residence (Article 50, Paragraph 1(1), Immigration Control Act);
 2  The suspect has had in the past a permanent domicile in Japan as a Japanesenational (Paragraph 1(2));
 3  The Minister of Justice finds any other grounds for granting special permission to stay (Paragraph 1(3)); or
 4  The suspect is recognized as a refugee (Article .61-2-2, Immigration Control Act)

 手続対象者  収容令書又は退去強制令書の発付を受けて収容されている外国人
 提出時期  仮放免許可を受けようとするとき
 提出方法 申請に必要な用紙に必要事項を記入し,添付書類を用意して,地方入国管理官署の窓口に提出してください。なお,収容されている外国人の代理人,保佐人,配偶者及び兄弟姉妹等被収容者の直系の親族が代理申請できます。
 提出先 仮放免許可を受けようとする外国人が収容されている地方入国管理官署
 不服申立方法  ありません。
 仮放免の許可  仮放免の許可に際しては,300万円以下の保証金の納付が必要となります


10.Provisional release
(Articles 54 Immigration Control Act) 
The immigration control authority temporarily stops the detention and releases a detainee if the detainee files an application, or if the authority regards it necessary to do so.
By issuing the detentions order, the immigration control authority may detain foreign nationals for "30 days" (plus additional 30 days if supervising immigration inspector finds it necessary to extend the said detention period). By issuing the deportation order, the immigration control authority may detain foreign nationals until the authority is able to deport the detainee. The immigration control authority sometimes needs to release a detainee for health reason or preparation for leaving Japan.
Provisional release is indented to addresses such cases.
a. Applying for provisional release
Applicant for provisional release The detainee, his/her, proxy, curator, spouse, lineal relative, sibling.
Where to apply for provisional release
If a foreign national is detained in the immigration center, applicant may file an application to the director of the immigration center. If a foreign national is detained in the regional immigration bureau's detention center, applicant may file an application to the supervising immigration inspector of the regional immigration bureau in charge of the said detention center.
When you apply for provisional release, you need to designate your guarantor who will take care of you during provisional release and give instructions on compliance after the provisional release is granted. 
b  Granting provisional release 
If applicant applies for provisional release, the director of the immigration center or the supervising immigration inspector will may provisionally release the detainee by considering the detainee's circumstances, evidence proving the reason for provisional release, the detainee's characteristics and assets.
When granting provisional release, the director of the immigration center or the supervising immigration inspector will collect the guarantee deposits of up to 3 million yen, set conditions on residence and activities, and require the detainee to visit the immigration office if he finds it necessary to do so.
If the director of the immigration center or the supervising immigration inspector deems appropriate to do so, the immigration control authority will accept guarantee certificate submitted by other person than the detainee, rather than collecting the guarantee deposit. The guarantee certificate must indicate the amount of guarantee deposit as well as the obligation to pay the guarantee deposit at any time.
c  Revocation of provisional release
Grounds for revoking provisional release
The director of the immigration center or the supervising immigration inspector may revoke the provisional release  
 1 If the foreign national with provisional release has escaped,
 2 If the foreign national with provisional release has reasonable ground to escape,
 3 If the foreign national with provisional release fail to visit the immigration office without legitimate reason, or
 4 If the foreign national with provisional release does not obey the requirements regarding provisional release.
If the provisional release is revoked, an alien who has been provisionally released will be detained again at the immigration center, regional immigration bureau's detention center, or any other location designated by the Minister of Justice or the supervising immigration inspector who is authorized to do so by the Minister of Justice after issuing the deportation order or retention order.
Confiscating guarantee deposit  
If the provisional release is revoked, the immigration control authority will confiscate the guarantee deposit that was paid when a detainee is provisionally released. In this case, the immigration control authority will confiscate all or a part of the guarantee deposit. If the provisional release is revoked due to 1) or 3) as mentioned earlier, the immigration control authority will confiscate all the guarantee deposit. On the other hand, if the provisional release is revoked for any other reason, the immigration control authority will confiscate a part of the guarantee deposit. In the case of a partial confiscation, the director of the immigration center or the supervising immigration inspector will decide how much the authority will confiscate the guarantee deposit by paying attentions to specific circumstances.


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Permission for Permanent


Revocation Status of Residence