事務所名 Name of Office |
行政書士久みどり法務事務所 Gyouseishoshi takakumidori homujimusho |
代表 representative |
申請取次行政書士 久みどり administrative scrivener (Immigration attorny) takakumidori |
主要業務 main business |
入管業務・永住許可・帰化・離婚相談・離婚協議書作成業務・遺言相談・相続業務 Immigration procedures ・ Permission for Permanent Residence ・ Permission for Naturalization ・ Divorce procedures ・ Succession procedures ・counselling |
住所 Address |
185−0034 東京都国分寺市光町3−27−8 3-27-8 Hikaricho Kokubunnji-shi Tokyo 185-0034 JAPAN |
電話番号 Phone number |
042−572−6692 (FAX 042−572−6693) |
メールアドレス E mail |
office.takaku@gmail.com |
相談室 counselling room |
国立相談室(JR中央線国立駅南口徒歩2分) counselling room in Kunitachi(south exit of Kunitachi st.) |
個人情報の取扱い Handling of Personal Information |
行政書士は法律上の守秘義務に加え、守秘義務違反の場合、法律で罰せられます。個人情報を適切かつ安全に取り扱うと共に個人情報保護の徹底につとめます。 I shall have the right and bear the duty to maintain the confidentiality of any facts which I may have learned in the course of performing my duties.In the case of abuse of confidentiality I'm punished by law. I shall endeavor to properly treatment about the client's communications. |
My office has a counselling room in Kunitachi city
Two minutes' walk from the south exit of Kunitachi station (JR chuo line).
Main Office in kokubunnji
Thirteen minutes' walk from the nouth exit of Kunitachi station (JR chuo line)
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of this site.
Please use this site information at your own risk.
TEL 042−572−6692
FAX 042−572−6693